Oct 31, 2012

Cooked beef tongue

I know, this is not a usual dish, but you have to believe me: it is delicious! It has a unique,soft, real meat taste. You have to try it.

1 beef tongue (I ordered at Goose The Market)
1 celery root
1 parsnip/turnip
2 carrots
2 cloves of garlic
1 onion
~10 peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, salt, nutmeg
1 cup white wine

Wash the tongue and peel the veggies. Put the ingredients in a cooking pot. Add as much water as many covers the ingredients. Shimmer it for 2,5 hours. Take out the tongue from the bouillon and peel off the thick, grayish skin. Cook the tongue for another 1 hour, than let it get cool in the bouillon. Slice the tongue, put it into a bowl. To save it for later: filter the bouillon and pour it on the tongue. You can eat it as an appetizer (serve it with salt and Hungarian paprika), with salads or put it into your sandwich.
Pour the leftover bouillon in freezer bags and put in the freezer. Good base for other soups like my pumpkin-carrot soup.

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