Nov 7, 2012

Paleo seed-mix bread

I have been baking this bread since I become "paleo". I have already tried it with different kind of seeds and it is always taste great.

1/4 cup flaxseed meal
3/4 cup almond meal flour
1/3 cup sesame seeds / chopped pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup chopped sunflower seeds / hemp seeds
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoon melted coconut oil
3 eggs
1/4 cup water if the dough is too thick
spices: salt and a hint of caraway / turmeric / oregano
Separate the eggs and beat up the egg whites. Mix the yolks with the coconut oil until frothy. Mix the seeds,flours, baking soda and spices. Add the yolks-oil mixture into the dry ingredients. Add a little water to it if it is too hard to stir. Add the egg whites and slowly mix them into the dough until smooth. Pour in a greased silicone bread pan and bake it in a 350°F preheated oven for 45-50 minutes. Make a toothpick test!

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