Nov 18, 2012

Bacon wrapped chicken liver with dried plums

I still trying to convince you to eat liver! Organ meats are important part of paleo diet, so please at least give it a try :) This receipt is great for a quick meal or as appetizer.

Wash and cut the livers in 2-3 pieces. Put a plum onto the liver and wrap it in bacon than secure it with a toothpick. Line up in a casserole and bake it covered for 15-20 minutes on 350°F. Take off the cover and broil it for another 5 minutes. Serve it with fresh salad.

Baconos-aszaltszilvás csirkemáj

Régi recept újra felfedezve. Könnyen, gyorsan elkészíthető, jó vendégváró vagy vacsora.

A májakat megmossuk, 2-3 részre vágjuk. Az aszaltszilvát a májra tesszük és a baconbe göngyöljük, majd egy fogpiszkálóval rögzítjük. Hőálló tálba tesszük és letakarva 15-20 percet sütjük 180 fokon. Végül a takarást levéve 5 percet grillezzük.

Nov 7, 2012

Paleo quiche

It was a really good idea to buy this mini-casserole pots at TJ MAXX : ) Since than I have baked this easy-meal in many different variations. It is only depends on fantasy and a great way to use up leftovers!

The pictures show a pumpkin-chicken breast variation.
For 4 servings:

8-12 pieces of per-baked, thin pumpkin or butternut squash slices (or 1 cup raw squash cut in small cubes)
1/2 lbs chicken breast cut in 0.5" pieces
1 onion sliced
1/4 lbs bacon chopped
2 eggs
1/3 cup paleo milk
spices: salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley
Parmesan cheese (optional)

Heat oil in a pan and stir fry onion, bacon and chicken breast. Add spices to taste. In the case of using raw squash, first cook it with onion and bacon until soft before adding the chicken breast. Grease the casserole pots. If you have squash slices lay them at the bottom of the pots. Divide the onion-meat-(squash) mix equally among the pots. Mix the eggs with the milk and spices and pour equal amounts on the pots. Scatter them with Parmesan cheese and bake on 350°F for 20 minutes. Broil it for another 5 minutes to toast the cheese.

Paleo seed-mix bread

I have been baking this bread since I become "paleo". I have already tried it with different kind of seeds and it is always taste great.

1/4 cup flaxseed meal
3/4 cup almond meal flour
1/3 cup sesame seeds / chopped pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup chopped sunflower seeds / hemp seeds
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoon melted coconut oil
3 eggs
1/4 cup water if the dough is too thick
spices: salt and a hint of caraway / turmeric / oregano
Separate the eggs and beat up the egg whites. Mix the yolks with the coconut oil until frothy. Mix the seeds,flours, baking soda and spices. Add the yolks-oil mixture into the dry ingredients. Add a little water to it if it is too hard to stir. Add the egg whites and slowly mix them into the dough until smooth. Pour in a greased silicone bread pan and bake it in a 350°F preheated oven for 45-50 minutes. Make a toothpick test!